What We Do
CSS is a national leader in the design and operation of Medicare Part D Medication Therapy Management, Medicaid Quality Improvement and Commercial and Self-Insured Cost and HEDIS management. Assisting over 50 healthcare organizations with program design, data collection, analysis, care coordination technology, reporting, and CMS submission services. MTMPath is a medication and care management platform specifically configured as the electronic health record (EHR) for pharmacists. MTMPath was designed to manage a medication related clinical program in any clinical or managed care environment. Most importantly, MTMPath was designed with the understanding that a pharmacist is a costly and finite resource. As such the MTMPath system facilitates systematic, high volume medication and care management.
Adherence Service Provider, Clinical Support Services, EMR/Patient Management Software, Medication Therapy Management/MTM
701 Seneca St.
Buffalo, NY 14210
United States